Van's Views

Illegals Cost US 113 Billion $$$ Annually!

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Absolutely incredible…

Check-out the numbers for your state. We’ve all known for a long time, that many Illegals don’t pay taxes, because they work for cash, yet they get a lot of government freebies like food stamps, phones, school, medical, utilities, rent, etc. We’ve got so many Americans, veterans, mentally incapable, etc. that are now homeless that can’t figure out the ”system” to get the help they really deserve.

We've been lied to for Decades now by the Press & Politicians among others and continue to be lied to even today with the Fake Dreamer Issue, as it's much larger than that, however they're using it to get the sympathy needed to Shove Amnesty or Legal Status Down Our Throats and Call us Bigots if we Oppose It.

We must Oppose this Dreamer Deal and Demand that President Trump Keep His Word to End DACA and start Deporting All Illegals, not just the New Definition he now uses to describe just the Gang Members, etc.

Cost of Illegal Immigration Infographics

State by state detailed infographics on how much illegals burden you and your state:  Click on your state to get the information for yourselves!

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Absolutely incredible…

Check-out the numbers for your state. We’ve all known for a long time, that many Illegals don’t pay taxes, because they work for cash, yet they get a lot of government freebies like food stamps, phones, school, medical, utilities, rent, etc. We’ve got so many Americans, veterans, mentally incapable, etc. that are now homeless that can’t figure out the ”system” to get the help they really deserve.

We've been lied to for Decades now by the Press & Politicians among others and continue to be lied to even today with the Fake Dreamer Issue, as it's much larger than that, however they're using it to get the sympathy needed to Shove Amnesty or Legal Status Down Our Throats and Call us Bigots if we Oppose It.

We must Oppose this Dreamer Deal and Demand that President Trump Keep His Word to End DACA and start Deporting All Illegals, not just the New Definition he now uses to describe just the Gang Members, etc.

Cost of Illegal Immigration Infographics

State by state detailed infographics on how much illegals burden you and your state:  Click on your state to get the information for yourselves!

[aps-social id="1"]

Absolutely incredible…

Check-out the numbers for your state. We’ve all known for a long time, that many Illegals don’t pay taxes, because they work for cash, yet they get a lot of government freebies like food stamps, phones, school, medical, utilities, rent, etc. We’ve got so many Americans, veterans, mentally incapable, etc. that are now homeless that can’t figure out the ”system” to get the help they really deserve.

We've been lied to for Decades now by the Press & Politicians among others and continue to be lied to even today with the Fake Dreamer Issue, as it's much larger than that, however they're using it to get the sympathy needed to Shove Amnesty or Legal Status Down Our Throats and Call us Bigots if we Oppose It.

We must Oppose this Dreamer Deal and Demand that President Trump Keep His Word to End DACA and start Deporting All Illegals, not just the New Definition he now uses to describe just the Gang Members, etc.

Cost of Illegal Immigration Infographics

State by state detailed infographics on how much illegals burden you and your state:  Click on your state to get the information for yourselves!


[aps-social id="1"]

Absolutely incredible…

Check-out the numbers for your state. We’ve all known for a long time, that many Illegals don’t pay taxes, because they work for cash, yet they get a lot of government freebies like food stamps, phones, school, medical, utilities, rent, etc. We’ve got so many Americans, veterans, mentally incapable, etc. that are now homeless that can’t figure out the ”system” to get the help they really deserve.

We've been lied to for Decades now by the Press & Politicians among others and continue to be lied to even today with the Fake Dreamer Issue, as it's much larger than that, however they're using it to get the sympathy needed to Shove Amnesty or Legal Status Down Our Throats and Call us Bigots if we Oppose It.

We must Oppose this Dreamer Deal and Demand that President Trump Keep His Word to End DACA and start Deporting All Illegals, not just the New Definition he now uses to describe just the Gang Members, etc.

Cost of Illegal Immigration Infographics

State by state detailed infographics on how much illegals burden you and your state:  Click on your state to get the information for yourselves!

Cost of Illegal Immigration Infographics
Wondering how illegal immigration is affecting your pocket book? In 2013, taxpayers shouldered $113 billion in state spending on illegal aliens! See below for state infographics on how much the burden is in your state. You can also see FAIR's State Cost Studies and Immigration Facts for more information.


Alabama   Kentucky   North Dakota
Alaska   Louisiana   Ohio
Arizona   Maine   Oklahoma
Arkansas   Maryland   Oregon
California   Massachusetts   Pennsylvania
Colorado   Michigan   Rhode Island
Connecticut   Minnesota   South Carolina
Delaware   Mississippi   South Dakota
District of Columbia   Missouri   Tennessee
Florida   Montana   Texas
Georgia   Nebraska   Utah
Hawaii   Nevada   Vermont
Idaho   New Hampshire   Virginia
Illinois   New Jersey   Washington
Indiana   New Mexico   West Virginia
Iowa   New York   Wisconsin
Kansas   North Carolina   Wyoming

Newer updated Figures Link: totals of each State don't include the Lost Taxes resulting from Illegals being paid in Cash and not paying Taxes on the Monies, nor does it take into Account the Jobs lost by Americans to Illegals because they work for less and in doing so keep the Wages for Americans Depressed and Americans Unemployed not to mention the costs of all the unreported or unsolved Crimes committed by Illegals including Auto accidents etc., Not One State in the US is receiving more in Revenues than Monies Spent on Illegals. I personally believe the costs are higher and don't forget the Illegals send Billions back to their native countries which for a country like Mexico is just a form of Foreign Aid and Mexico doesn't want to lose it as proven by their recent ADS telling Illegals that Mexico will help them stay in America, this isn't an Act of an Ally but an ENEMY.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk


Newer updated Figures Link: totals of each State don't include the Lost Taxes resulting from Illegals being paid in Cash and not paying Taxes on the Monies, nor does it take into Account the Jobs lost by Americans to Illegals because they work for less and in doing so keep the Wages for Americans Depressed and Americans Unemployed not to mention the costs of all the unreported or unsolved Crimes committed by Illegals including Auto accidents etc., Not One State in the US is receiving more in Revenues than Monies Spent on Illegals. I personally believe the costs are higher and don't forget the Illegals send Billions back to their native countries which for a country like Mexico is just a form of Foreign Aid and Mexico doesn't want to lose it as proven by their recent ADS telling Illegals that Mexico will help them stay in America, this isn't an Act of an Ally but an ENEMY.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk


Newer updated Figures Link: totals of each State don't include the Lost Taxes resulting from Illegals being paid in Cash and not paying Taxes on the Monies, nor does it take into Account the Jobs lost by Americans to Illegals because they work for less and in doing so keep the Wages for Americans Depressed and Americans Unemployed not to mention the costs of all the unreported or unsolved Crimes committed by Illegals including Auto accidents etc., Not One State in the US is receiving more in Revenues than Monies Spent on Illegals. I personally believe the costs are higher and don't forget the Illegals send Billions back to their native countries which for a country like Mexico is just a form of Foreign Aid and Mexico doesn't want to lose it as proven by their recent ADS telling Illegals that Mexico will help them stay in America, this isn't an Act of an Ally but an ENEMY.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk


Newer updated Figures Link: totals of each State don't include the Lost Taxes resulting from Illegals being paid in Cash and not paying Taxes on the Monies, nor does it take into Account the Jobs lost by Americans to Illegals because they work for less and in doing so keep the Wages for Americans Depressed and Americans Unemployed not to mention the costs of all the unreported or unsolved Crimes committed by Illegals including Auto accidents etc., Not One State in the US is receiving more in Revenues than Monies Spent on Illegals. I personally believe the costs are higher and don't forget the Illegals send Billions back to their native countries which for a country like Mexico is just a form of Foreign Aid and Mexico doesn't want to lose it as proven by their recent ADS telling Illegals that Mexico will help them stay in America, this isn't an Act of an Ally but an ENEMY.

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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