Van's Views

Political Knives Out 4 Trump!

President Trumps’ Political Enemies are out in Full Force on both sides of the Aisle,Press, Bureaucrats, Lobbyist and GOP Elites as they raise questions about his comments on the Murder in Charlottesville, Va. taken out of context, and realize that it’s more than Charlottesville, Va., that’s simply the vehicle they’re using to push President Trump into making concessions on many issues.

President Trump is being attacked from in and outside the White House by so called Allies and Enemies within the GOP, we expect and even depend on the Socialist Democrats to attack the President, however most are surprised when so called Republicans join in the mix.

The attacks by Trump’s GOP opponents such as Graham, McCain , Rubio, Flake all Gang of Eight Pro Amnesty / Dreamers is to be expected as they do represent the RINO Liberal side of the GOP and always have.  The problem is that others inside the White House are as well with less than enthusiastic comments and even to the point of making it sound like President Trump was wrong in not only what he said but how he said it and some so called Talk Shows especially on Fox are doing the same.

It’s a sad day when you hear what some have considered to be conservatives being so blatant in the remarks they make about President Trump, however his comments gave them just the opportunity all of them have been waiting for to finish him off at least from the point of having any Political Power to get the Congress to do anything and now with more conservatives ( Bannon )  being asked to leave the White House Staff leaves room for his Liberal daughter & son in law, as well as other more Moderate to Liberal Cabinet & Staff to have more say in just how our government is run, after all We didn’t VOTE for any of Them did We?

We had High Hopes which are beginning to end in the usual despair of Politics as Usual and We the People won’t come out on the Top of this but once again be left with more empty promises when it comes to Border, Illegals, Dreamers, and yes even Freedom in the long run.

The Real Fault for all of these troubles is the Voters who didn’t listen to the Base of the Messageabout the Incumbents being to blame for the Slide of the U. S. into a 3rd World Socialist Debtor Nation as they voted almost 100% of them back in office to Block America’s Becoming not justGreat again but FREE AGAIN!

Link to Radio Show:
God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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