Van's Views

Douglas / Ducey vs. AZs’ Parents & Children

I now acknowledge it’s crystal clear: Superintendent Douglas hasn’t done all the AZ State Constitution empowers the state superintendent to do, to actually represent the Arizonans who elected her with the Mandate to Eradicate the Common Core agenda! (It’s still not about “standards!”)

From the beginning of their time in the respective offices to which we elected them, Governor Ducey plays the tune and Superintendent Douglas dances to it. Albeit, playing the tune just long enough to encourage We the Watchers that she was mounting meaningful resistance to their agenda.

The proof of the “pudding” is in the perpetual-touring and two other crucial proofs that spotlight common observations that Superintendent Douglas lacks the “management skills.” Proofs 2 & 3: 2. Her initial capitulation to the governor’s usurpation of judicial authority in the fired-employee rodeo by agreeing to give-up constitutional power and authority she has no constitutional power to cede—HB 2184—in 2015, and, 3: Her deal-making again in the waning hours of the 2016 legislative session just days before “Sine Die” (session closing), in which she effectively ceded—also unconstitutionally!—the same authority and power we prevented cession of in HB 2184, in HB 2620 as amended, with SB 1416 incorporated within it, on Wednesday, May 4, 2016!

Only, Douglas agreed to cede even more in the latter than she had in the former!
I, and others, are whistling in the wind as we continue to explain that a person holding a constitutional office cannot cede the constitutional power/authority of the office by agreeing to unconstitutional legislative actions!

Likewise, the legislators and governor cannot take that power/authority from the office by legislative action without a constitutional amendment!

[See Hudson v. Kelly, Arizona, 1953.]

The history alone shows that Superintendent Douglas has failed in effectively executing the duties of the office she holds. Her AZ State Constitutional mandate is NOT for continued implementation of federal programs that violate that State Constitution and the 9th and/or 10th Amendments to the Constitution for the United States of America!

Superintendent Douglas along with nearly every state legislator, had proposed legislation in their hands that would have resolved the employee controversy constitutionallyin February, 2016, in the form of a citizen group’s Proposed Title 15 Legislation (full-disclosure: researched and written by the undersigned).

Superintendent Douglas chose not to embrace it because she didn’t want any legislation passed regarding the HB2184SB1416(HB 2620) employee controversy in the 2016 session, good or bad! Her reasoning:

If it is bad, Governor Ducey will sign it. If it is good, he will veto or not sign it.

Either way, it would adversely affect the lawsuits in-litigation between the state board of education and Douglas.

I argued unsuccessfully that we needed to show who the governor is, by giving him the opportunity to do the right thing by signing a good bill, or vetoing a bad one!

So, we had to fight the Senate Republican leaders, the governor’s office and others who were again determined to usurp more of the superintendent’s power/authority, without any public support from Superintendent Douglas for viable, alternative—constitutional—legislation.

Although we did have some legislative support, our bill went nowhere, because Republican leadership and pressure from the governor’s office convinced legislators who had stalwartly resisted passing HB 2184 in 2015, that stripping the superintendent’s power and authority legislatively was the only way to end the litigation between Superintendent Douglas (SPI) and the state board of education (SBE). Then-Senate President Andy Biggs wrongly assured his colleagues that they had the power to dictate the power and duties of the SPI & the SBE without regard for the constitutional nature of the entities!!!

[See Hudson v. Kelly. AZ, 1953]

After citizens urged defeat of SB 1416, and certain valiant legislators successfully blocked the bill in the State House of Representatives, Superintendent Douglas “caved” in the end; agreeing to allow its language to be incorporated in (HB 2620), in trade for certain employees that always were AZ Dept. of Ed. employees!

Article on HB 2620
(with Inserted Comments)


The long-running and public battle between Arizona’s governor and its’ school chief has apparently ended. [With the Superintendent Surrendering.]

Gov. Ducey signed legislation (HB 2620)—Wednesday intending to end a bitter dispute with Superintendent Diane Douglas over control of the Arizona Board of Education.

The two offices worked together on a compromise bill (HB 2620) that convinced everyone involved in the dispute to drop their ongoing lawsuits.

The political drama started after Douglas attempted to fire board staff members. But the governor jumped in to save their jobs 9 [he had no authority to do so], claiming the superintendent over-stepped her authority. [Which the Supt. did not do, but the Gov. did.]

Ducey and Douglas also fought over control of a group of investigators looking into teacher misconduct. [Always Controlled by the Superintendent’s Office.]

The new deal gives the school board the power to hire and fire its four employees while Douglas will manage the investigative unit.  [HB 2620]

“Obviously, we were able to work with the governor’s office to make this bill come to fruition, and we are very pleased that happened,” said Charles Tack, a spokesman for Douglas.  [The term “work with” should actually be “Surrender to.”]

“This compromise [surrender] will allow all of us to focus on what’s truly important — ensuring that every child in Arizona has access to the best education system in the nation,” Ducey said in a statement.   [We the People Lost!]  End of Article 

Representative Kelly Townsend argued in caucus for Fellow-Republican Representatives to reject Superintendent Douglas’ final capitulation prior to the house voting on the bill. . . . But, the AZ House passed the amended HB 2620; 53 Voting “Yes” to 6 Voting “No” (Fernandez, Kern, Lawrence, Rivero, Townsend, Ugenti–Rita), with 1 Not Voting (Olson).  Upon return to the AZ Senate, it passed 30-0, meaning all GOP Senators Voted for It—Against the Will of the People who elected Superintendent Douglas and them!

Please note that there are thirty senators, and every one of them voted to unconstitutionally usurp the state superintendent’s constitutional power and authority!  Republicans and Democrats alike: each and every one voted against us and the AZ Constitution, and thereby Violated their Oath of Office!

We now see the fruit of the poisonous tree planted in January, 2015, when Governor Ducey usurped judicial authority, and Superintendent Douglas chose to Surrender the Authority of the elective office to which We the People elected her—to Represent US & Our Children, not her political career!

Governor Ducey has continued to usurp authority not vested in the office to which we also elected him—in our names! He has proven without doubt that he has never intended to eradicate the evil that is the Common Core Agenda! His implementation of the Establishment Republican-dominated National Governor’s Association “Smoke and Mirrors,” “Review and Replace” shell game is intended to play games for however long We the People can be fooled by it.

And—he has succeeded in further entrenching Common Core; traumatizing, brainwashing and indoctrinating Our Children!

It’s not about “standards!” and parents know it!
Well, now we see the proof of that pudding: The re-branding of Common Core “standards,” in compliance with Governor Ducey’s unconstitutional mandate on March 23, 2015, by the SBE and the SPI through the so-called Standards Review Committee!  Exactly the outcome some of us anticipated and warned-of immediately after Governor Ducey’s all-too-transparent speech to the Governor-Appointed State Board of Education! (Confirmed by the state senate.)

Meanwhile, FYI: Governor Ducey and Superintendent Douglas, both of whom “promised” to get rid of Common Core, have moved-along with extending the Common Core “Infants & Toddlers” program to PRE-KINDERGARTEN children under the guise of “Early Childhood Education,” through the AZ Dept. of Ed.  In spite of the fact that when we detected two bills I dubbed, “Stealth Common Core” for pre-K children, we were able to defeat them in 2015 & 2016!  They’re presently implementing it through means sanctioned by the Federal Programs!

[I always believed those in the GOP believed AZ to be a Sovereign State—guess only when they’re running for office.]            

The younger “they” can get to them, the easier it is to mold your children into the emotionally-damaged automatons they seek to create!

Governor Ducey also created an unconstitutional Office of Education in the governor’s office that is reportedly alive and well, feeding on its parasitic sustenance at the public trough!

The bottom line is:

Parents, do you hope to protect your children from the evil that men & women(!) do?

The truth is, America’s Children are being brainwashed and indoctrinated to serve a technocratic hierarchy that would enslave them in a collective hive! (To learn more, you can search, “Technocracy.”)

That, my Fellow-Arizonans, is evil!

It is time to recognize that Governor Ducey, Superintendent Douglas and the vast majority of our state legislators are entrenching Common Core, not eradicating it!

Who will champion our children’s unalienable God-given Right to protection against the EVILS of the Common Core Agenda?

Are there any brave souls in Arizona who will take-up the gauntlet and truly work to

 “Drain Arizona’s Common Core Swamp?”

As the Lord wills, I, for one, plan to don the armor again and joust for the right to start the sump pumps sucking-up the putrid waters, in the interest of all Arizona Children!

Who will join me?

For Liberty!
Itasca Small
Edited; cvs

Links added by CVS; Ducey Statement on 2620 / Supt. Douglas Praises 2620

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