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AZ GOP Career Politicians Can’t Be Trusted!

Clair Van Steenwyk’s Comments: I read the comments in the Briefs about 3 of the 4 Career Politicians I’m running against, and realize I’ve been the brunt of some comments about my abrasiveness as well, however not about being truthful and agree the records of Lesko, Lovas, Montenegro and Stump aren’t what they pretend, I believe a Primary brings out their Real Moral Character in how they run their campaigns and who’ve they’ve supported as well.

Lesko voted to strip the AZ Supt. of Public Instructions Authority at the direction of Ducey thru Sen. Biggs, twice with HB 2184, and then SB 1469, also Unconstitutional, Violating her Oath.

 Lesko  stooped to enlisting others to Lie on Robo Calls,  I received one from  former President of PORA in SCW stating Lesko is the only Candidate who fought EPCOR, Lesko knew it’s a Lie,  I corrected her at a Forum a week ago,  just how bad does Lesko a Career Politician want this job, she Lies to Voters to get it, Trump named his Opponents most enjoyed, so here’s one not quite as bad as Lying Ted, being polite “Misleading Lesko”.

Lovas knowingly left something out when Montenegro questioned him on the Fund Raising by his wife, Lovas explained she also raised funds for charitable causes which is true, however left out one very important legal client Sen. J. McCain, why wasn’t that included in the comments, FEC reports show substantial monies are paid to Lovas Co. for doing so, not something you want to go public with especially as a Trump supporter. So we’ll call it “Leave Out Lovas”.

Montenegro’s support 4 the National Popular Vote speaks volumes, regardless of his Excuses. So let’s name him ” Managed Montenegro”.

Stump’s record with the AZCC speaks for itself with his support of EPCOR problems he helped to bring to the residents in SC, SCW and Youngtown. So we’ll just call him ” Stumped”.

My Career Political opponents stating  they respect  Mr. Frank’s record, we must question his Votes to Raise the Debt Ceilings, CRs, CISPA, NDAA, which are causing trouble for President Trump and others, guess when you need votes he has held over a Decade don’t want to rock the boat, as voters have no idea how he really voted.

The other important issue is Frank’s Sexual Harassment & Retaliation, although my opponents and Franks supporters don’t accept that view, try that approach in GM, Ford, GE, ABC, Amazon, US Steel, McDonald’s, get the picture? I hope Franks has made peace by coming to grips with it.

Question to all with mothers, sister, wife, daughter etc. what would you do if her boss asked her to have sex to have a baby? Sex outside of your marriage no matter the reason is wrong and most believers would agree, except for those wanting to defend this, assuming they’d do the same if their sons, husbands etc. did this.

My Career Political Opponents stated at a Candidate Forum at Palm Ridge in SCW have the greatest respect for Franks in spite of his having to resign because of misconduct, and they’re all pandering to pick up former supporters, who’ve also apparently over looked Franks Soliciting Sex, call it what you will if that hadn’t happened he’d still be in DC, and we wouldn’t be running to Fill the Vacant Seat in CD 8.

Point in Fact, if you’ll Lie to get Elected who will you really serve if you are elected? Does anyone trust Candidates who’ll Lie to start with, believe they’ll be Truthful once in Office?

God Bless You All; Clair VAN Steenwyk

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