Phoenix Mismanages Homeless in Fear!
Take a look at these pictures and see just what's going on in Downtown Phoenix, they're now using a special method put on them in Fear of the Federal Government & ACLU which files Lawsuits claiming special treatment for the Homeless. I realize those who are Homeless have all types of reasons for their Condition, as I and my wife worked for years on Skidrow in LA, however most of those on the streets are Addicted to Drugs, Need Spiritual & Mental Assistance, believe it or not some just like to be Irresponsible and live off the system. The City of Phoenix and the State of AZ need to come…
SCW GOP Club Meeting
The SCW Republican Club meets the 1st Saturday of each month at the Church on the Green 19051 N R H Johnson Blvd, Sun City West, AZ 85375, Doors open at 8:30 am and meeting ends by 11:00 am, this location is next to the Walgreen's Drug Store on the corner of R H Johnson & Camino Del Sol in SWC, we hope to see you there for a meeting to inform and educate like minded Voters of AZ, our speaker for the January 07,2023 meeting with guest speaker Dr. Carl Goldberg an expert on the Muslim Issues Facing America, and yes it's growing both from the Middle East and…