• Van's Views

    America  CHINA’s Pollution Photos!

    This is what China really looks like with Pollution  everywhere, and the Socialist Democrats, Global Warming Crowd, and Shadow Government seem to be more concerned  America’s Polluting the World’s Environment while we’ve actually reduced America’s Footprint, they need to Expose  China as it’s costing Lives while ittravels around the World. End China’s Pollution, and our other Fear of Arming China’s  Military and Political Influence around the World, by Funding  them by Purchasing the Products with our Dollars.  The United States Carbons are Down howeverthe Chinese Communists continue Pollutingwith no End in sight, America’s  Carbons can’t improve the Environment while China’s Polluting, with the full knowledge of American Companies who pretend to support a Clean Environment, impossible while manufacturing in  China with Cheap and at times Slave Labor, gives the Companies their High Profits and Stock Prices, this is the Highest Form of Hypocrisy.  A Boycott of the American Companies like Nike, Apple, Microsoft, and others with the Hopethey’ll return to the U.S. or at the very least these companies will Stop using the Cheap and at times Slave Labor, and Demand the Chinese Communists Clean Up the Environment, as they help China pollute while making Billions of extra Dollars with not…

  • Van's Views

    President Trump: NO MORE BAIL OUTS by the U.S. Government!

      President Trump don’t be Fooled by the Socialist Politicians Our Politicians Love spending our money and I’m certain they’ll stuff this Bail Out with Pork for their Political Allies at your and our Expense, and even though to some this seems like a good idea it’s not, and the Political Cost as they’ll blame President Trump during the Campaign for the Presidency,for any wasted monies and hopefully we all know that, but many uninformed won’t and the Socialist Democrats and their Allies will push this Issue until they push President Trump out of the White House, so think long and hard about any Bail Out you may Favor as it will I guarantee you come with Unintended Consequences for Our Republic. The following Ideas are for Companies and Individuals the Wuhan Virus has affected, Here are some Ideas to Stop a Bail Out; We can’t afford to increase the National Debt by Bailing Out Airlines,…

  • Van's Views

    America WAKE UP To the Socialist Coup!

    We the People must Defend the U.S. Constitution as those in Office Haven’t & Probably Won’t.  I’ve followed politics most of my life as most of you already know, and in the past few yrs. watched as it’s becoming more obvious than it’s been in the past years just what the Socialist Democrat Party on behalf of Media, Special Interest Groups, PACS, Politicians and yes even some Republicans who are afraid of losing their Power / Control over US. They proved during the so called Russian Hoax, Phone Conversation, Impeachment Process, and now Corona Virus they trying to get rid of or damage President Trump this amounts to a Political Coup put forth by the Political Elites, aided by the Radical Socialist Democrats who’ve now gained power by using Social Media and a couple of Generations  now Indoctrinated in our Public and Private Educational system, all feel safe an Entitled to Fundamentally and  Openly Transform…

  • Van's Views

    Political Facts About George Washington

    America Take Note and see what George Washington, Our 1st Commander & Chief thought about Political Parties, and you’ll discover what he feared most has been happening almost since the 1st Political Parties were formed and continues to this Day, we hope all will Wake Up and begin the long March back to being Loyal To Our Founding Documents and only use Party Affiliation to bring those Dreams into Modern Day Reality. Did George Washington want Political Parties?  Washington’s Farewell Address addresses his distrust of a two–party system, as he recognized that it is natural for people to organize and operate within groups such as political parties, but he also argues that…

  • Van's Views

    Will Deporting Illegals, Cost US or Save US?

    What is costing us? http://immigrationcounters.com/index.html   Its’ worth the read… Tina Griego is a Free-Lance reporter for the Denver Post. She writes some really good stuff and she is a strong advocate for LEGAL Immigration.Not Democratic, not Republican, not liberal, and not conservative. Just the facts by a good reporter!What if they left?What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America? I, Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News have written a column titled, “Mexican Visitors’ Lament.”I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, “Illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes. What happens to your country’s economy if 20 million people go away?”Hmmm, I thought, what would…

  • Van's Views

    Government Tax Reform

    *The Fair Tax plan will be better for the Taxpayers and Businesses than the present Tax System, which is too complicated for most to understand. It also infringes on Americans’ God-Granted Unalienable Rights to Truly Own Property when the Government has the Unconstitutional Power to Tax you out of it! *We also need to go to a Zero-Based Budget: The Baseline Budgeting System now used in AZ automatically increases the budgets each and every year, needed or not, allowing AZ government to grow even when it has no need to expand! We must do what most successful Businesses do, which is, simply replace baseline budgeting with Zero-based budgeting, and allow our…

  • Van's Views

    1st Our Guns, Then Our Freedoms!

    Freedom Loving Americans, WAKE UP! The Socialist Democrats have now told us they want Our Guns in the last Socialist Democrat Debate, and we never really heard anyone of them argue against it then or since, that is except for the comments it might hurt them at the Polls.  It’s time All Americans realize this group now running in the Socialist Democratic Party are nothing more than Dictators who come offering all types of Free Stuff and Safety from Bad things happening and the only Cost to US will be Our God Granted U.S. Constitutional Rights, and please remember what one of Our Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklintold us a couple of Centuries ago; “They who can give up Essential Liberty to obtain a Little Temporary Safety Deserve Neither Liberty nor Safety.” ... this statement was True then and even Truer…

  • Van's Views


    It’s time for All Americans to Support those in Hong Kong who are Fighting 4 Freedom by Boycotting the Products the Chinese Communist Government uses to Build Up Its’ Military a Threat to the Free World and which also enslaves the Chinese People with work camps, retraining centers which try to Brain Wash those who disagree with the Communist Philosophies which are all EVIL We must Stand with HONG KONG and against the Real Evil of Communism as so many have forgotten what the cost has been of this EVIL form of Government in Russia & China which has cost both nation well over 30 Million of the people there once the Communists took total control and we must show the World that the U.S. still Stands for Freedom and has no problem giving up Cheap Stuff to fill its’ Closets, Toy Chests and Desire for Electronics…

  • Van's Views

    U. S. Constitutional Compliance Only!

    Will You Stand With President Trump and Help Return Sound Government and Moral Values to This Great Country? WE THE PEOPLE must decide whether we will support President Trump by helping him to return sound government and moral values to our Nation as outlined by our Forefathers, or allow the continued decay of our country; whether we will hold our elected officials responsible to US, or allow the continued disrespect for constitutional values and principles.  I am challenging each citizen across our Land to confront each candidate, whether incumbent or not, whether Republican and announced conservative or not, whether for local office, county office, state-wide or national office, confront and stand…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Voters WAKE UP & Protect Your Children!

    AZ Wake Up & Vote Them OUT! The Voter Fraud perpetrated on the Voters by the AZ GOP Representatives who voted 4 voted “Yes”for HB1346 as they’ve said they care about AZ’s children & parent’s rights, and this Vote Proves they don’t.The Large Majority of AZ GOP House of Representatives voted in favor of this so every PC in AZ needs to find others to support in the 2020 cycle and especially in LD22 & LD21 as in LD22- Frank Carroll, Ben Toma; LD21 Kevin Payne, Tony Rivero, and Sen. Rick Gray; LD20 Paul Boyer and the biggest hypocrite of all LD20’s Shawna Bolick, and only 10 GOP Senators Voted against it, check out their; by clicking link and click on 3rd Vote For almost…

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