• Van's Views


    Don’t Allow Gov. To GAG YOU! View, Like & Share It Section 230 Protection for Social Media must be Revoked, or soon we’ll all be banned from using Social Media as Our President and others have already been, so contact your Federal, State, County, State or any other Elected or Appointed Official and tell them to Support its’ being Revoked or you’ll Revoke your Permission / Vote allowing them to Represent you, in Fact DEMAND they Step Up Now. AZ Voters who’ve sent me messages asking about why & what’s going on in USA & AZ Politics? The fear I hear & read in their questions make it obvious to me…

  • Van's Views

    AZ’s Legal Election Fraud Cover Up Part II

    AZ & USA WAKE UP & DEMAND YOUR RIGHTS! View, Read, Like & Share This is the 2nd Half of the Video I made a few weeks back, it took some time to get it edited, however unfortunately it appears we’re angrier now then we were then, we’re all experiencing just how far Our So Called Representative Gov. has fallen and how Crooked the Voting System is, and believe it’s more apparent to more of you today here in AZ. We must Demand All Our Elected Officials change our Election Laws and put Enforcement Teeth in them to Not Only Prevent Voter Fraud in the Early Mail in Ballots, but also at the Polls, and in…

  • Van's Views

    AZ’s Voter Registration Fraud Part I

      McCain’s Wing of GOP Controls AZ’s Executive Branch Voter Registration Fraud! View, Read, Like & Share AZ’s GOP Executive Branch took Part in the Socialist Coup to overthrow President Trump before he was even Elected. There’s Legal Voting Fraud in AZ’s Voter Registration system, and most voters have no idea this goes on, it begins with Voter Registration,  “The BIG OPEN SECRET, i.e. the 2016 Settlement Agreement that AZ’ AG Brnovich and former SOS Reagan entered into with Chicanos Por La Causa, Signed Off on by Gov. Ducey, this allows anyone to register to vote on the Federal Bifurcated Ballot with No ID Verification, No Ability to Audit the Registrations and No Recourse for Fraudulent Registrations. How…

  • Van's Views

    USA Election Integrity?

    AZ’s Maricopa County Supervisors Certify Elections    VOTER FRAUD in AZ  VIEW VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoHjMPA-KFU AZ’s Elected Officials Failed Voters at Every Level when it comes to Our Election Laws.  View, Read, Like & SHARE!  I made this video in my 2012 run for the US Senate in AZ, my concerns haven’t changed, and AZ Lawmakers never listened to my personal request to Secure AZ’s Voting System, so what I predicted, has happened in the 2012 Elections and now we’re paying the Price for their lack of Leadership on Revamping Our AZ Election Laws.  AZ is now a Blue State and I believe due to out of control Early Voting brought about by…

  • Van's Views

    Political Idealism vs. Pragmatism

    Elections are Battle Grounds not Contests!    View, Read, Like & Share  Let’s look at Einstein’s definition of Insanity, Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Clair’s Definition of Political Insanity; Voting for the same Career Politicians over and over and expecting a different result, isn’t only Politically Insane but National Political Suicide for our Children’s futures. Definition of Pragmatic: The word pragmatic has been busy over its more than four centuries of use. … A person who is pragmatic is concerned more with matters of fact than with what could or should be. Define Idealism; is believing in or pursuing a vision or belief that people can improve conditions rather than accepting the status quo, this is not something most…

  • Van's Views

    DC SWAMP Coup Led to Communist Chaos

    America WAKE UP  View, Like & Share  This video and commentary is in reference to the Presidential Coup attempted by the Democratsand when that didn’t work their Allies Antifa & BLM took it to the streets and used the George Floydmurder as the reason to bring Rioting, Arson, Murder, Looting onto the streets hoping to disrupt the Presidential Election and bring about the desired overthrow of Our American Republic in favor of their Socialist Communist Plot. We’ve watched the DC Swamp for Decades, however the last few years most of those who’ve read my posts and viewed videos, must now talk with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers etc. about the Political upheaval that’s been going on in the U.S. for decades,…

  • Van's Views

    R You A Free Thinking Sheep???

    Are You Being Conned Like Sheep?  View, Read, Like & Share Americas a Free Nation, yes we have flaws, however as we grow we’ll continue to improve making the U.S. a better place to live for all of us, and for any to believe peaceful demonstrators rioting, burning, looting, assaulting and murdering are peaceful is a flawed and  dangerous ideology, this Revolution must be Put Down with Force, arresting, trying and convicting those committing and financing these crimes no matter where the trail leads, they’re all Traitors and must be tried as such. Black lives matter is an organization that believes in the Marxists values and ideas. Painting a mural like hanging a Communist Flag  Over the American Flag!  Why is…

  • Van's Views

    USA’s Hot War w/ China is Real 

    America this is Real!  View, Read, Like & Share Our political leaders believe and push the Theory we’re in a Cold War w/ China as do most businesses and Professional Sports Organizations like the NBA, which by the way is more loyal the China then the USA, but no surprise it’s all about them making $$$$$$$, you know Sell Your Soul for a Buck or a “Renminbi” is the official name of the currency, it means “the people’s currency”. The Truth is China Declared War years ago and have spied on us, stealing technology, infiltrating our Government, Schools, Businesses and of course Politics as well. America has Financed China since Nixon opened the Door for Trade with them, many believed if Nixon hadn’t suceeding Presidents wouldn’t have as Nixon was a hard liner against Communism enabling…

  • Van's Views

    Do You Trust Election Results?

    AZ’s Ballot Harvesting Leads to Ballot Stuffing! Read, View & Share​ AZ’s laws allow Ballot Harvesting to turn into Ballot Stuffing and our AZ State Legislators have refused to deal with this by amending old laws or writing new ones, what are they afraid of? AZ Laws allow either a relative or care giver to turn in ballots, and don’t require  proof that they’re related or a caregiver, citizen, old enough to vote or resident of AZ, this practice has been encouraged by Maricopa County Recorders, and our Maricopa County Supervisors sit silently by and have done nothing, including petitioning for New Laws to prevent Ballot Harvesting. I believe most elected officials and candidates are more concerned about winning elections than protecting Our God Granted Right…

  • Van's Views

    Do Black Lives Matter in America?

    AZ What’s Your Response to that Question? Read, View, Share & Like This question itself has a subtle way of intimidating some as they know that Black Lives Matter as do Hispanic, Anglo, Asian, Indian etc., however the times we live in when they try to say All Lives Matter then some decide to call them Racists so they stay silently on the sidelines and say and do nothing to make what we all want to happen to come about for All of US. I believe one real way to examine this question is to look at what History teaches all of us about this question, and is what Blacks experienced much differently than what all Humanity has faced over 1,000’s of years so let’s take a look…

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