• Van's Views

    AZ 2020 Elections Depend on U

    Maricopa County Recorder Candidate CLAIR VAN STEENWYK: I’ve said for yrs. at political events, radio shows, social media before becoming a Candidate for Maricopa County Recorder, most attending had no knowledge and those who do won’t talk about the Deals made behind closed Doors by Career Politicians and especially some Republicans  coming back to Bite Every Supporter of a Constitutional Republic and the Freedoms it gives US. The Deal  made by Brnovich & Reagan with Chicanos Por La Causa, and Gov. Ducey signed Registering New Voters on the Federal Form in AZ without Proof of Citizenship with no Auditing, giving Socialist  Democrats the NewTool to Win 2020, came from this Deal where approximately 300,000 using Federal Registration in AZ, many on High School Campuses recruiting Young Student voters with questionable Knowledge of US History they’ve learned in our Public Schools may Decide the Outcome in 2020General Election for the U.S. Senate and DefeatingPresident Trump. We lost a U.S. Senate seat in 2018 and the AZSOS and Supt. of Public…

  • Van's Views

    Right To Vote but be Informed 1st.

    Maricopa County Recorder Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on Your Right to Vote:  American Citizens have the Right to Vote and Responsibility to beInformed on Candidates & Issues.  Video: https://www.facebook.com/Van4Freedom/videos/292033968666844/?t=11 Most Americans don’t know Career Politicians or Challengers Records, Parties, Politicians and Special Interests know Voters don’t research Records leaving Our Republic on a Cliff.  Voting on personalities rather than Qualified Candidates who support the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, personality contests are okay when Voting for Prom Queens, time to find someone who does research and Make Informed Decisions to Save Our Republic Form of Government or continue voting as in the past pushing Our Rights over the Cliff. Thousands of Americans have Fought & Died for Our Freedoms so Honor their Sacrifices, Garner the Information needed to Save Our Republic, recall many Voters didn’t Like President Trump in 2016, I Thank God enough of us Voted 4 President Trump, which…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Fraud in Delegates Convention Election!

    Clair Van Steenwyk / Candidate 4 Maricopa County Recorder comments on: Our AZ GOP Election 4 the GOP Convention is a Fraud! Instructions at the Top of the Ballot Vote the Official Trump Slate  Do not select individual delegates below Congressional District 8Vote for up to 6 if not voting the Official Trump SlateThe top 3 Vote getters will be elected delegates, the next 3 will be elected as alternates, and below the list to choose from. 1st we’re Directed to Vote for the So Called Trump Slate of Supporters, some former Supporters of McCain and Flake, and Who Not to Vote For, giving It a Clear Advantage over other Candidate, this is Election Tampering. The Ballots were then laid out Alphabetically with Special Exceptions, given the Trump Slate was put at the Topof the Ballot not Alphabetically,…

  • Van's Views

    National Popular Vote Still an AZ Issue!

    Clair Van Steenwyk responds to Rose Sperry’s 5-10-20 Briefs on elected officials & candidate positions on the National Popular Vote: I agree anyone supporting and promoting NPV  and never voted for it, however someone driving the robber to a bank, is also charged with a crime. Fact Judy Burgess introduced HB 2663 NPV in 2/11, Burgess violated her Oath to Support, Protect and Defend the U.S. Constitution. If this bill passed we’d cease being a Republic which we’re Guaranteed Article 4 Section 4, Burgess supported the NPV in the Senate in 16 but never got to the floor for a Vote. ExcusingBad Acts by GOP Legislators in AZ & DC, doesn’t change Facts, and gives us career politicians continually doing more damage, voters need to examine their Records vs. BS to change this, and they count on that never…

  • Van's Views

    Career Politicians Will Destroy the USA

    Clair Van Steenwyk’s comments on Candidate Burgess response to his post: I see former LD 22 Senator Burgess pays attention to posts about her  House & Senate Records, and Voters in LD 1 check her History on NPV in 2011 or 2016 with other AZ GOP Senators, Prime Signor Shooter, Prime Sponsors; Barto and Dial, Co Sponsors Sylvia Allen, Judy Burgess and Kimberly Yee now AZ State Treasurer, bill was tabled in the Senate by Sen. Biggs, support in AZ House 20+ Sponsors & 20 Votes passed the House, more Loyalty to Paid Lobbyists than Oath to US Constitution or AZ Voters they’re suppose to Serve. Burgess gives the Excuse that Some who Support and Promote the NPV may never vote for it, this is a Poor Excuse, as it Violates her Oath of Office, just as the person who drives a robber to a bank, is also charged with a crime. Fact Judy Burgess violated her Oath to Support, Protect and Defend the…

  • Van's Views

    AZ Wake Up to the Truth about GOP & Fight Back!

    Clair Van Steenwyk / Candidate 4 Maricopa County Recorder; Comments on AZ’s GOP.I understand it’s very easy to call people RINO’s as have I, however what we have are Party wings, not unlike the Democrats with Communists, Socialists, Liberals and some Moderates. The GOP however chooses to call themselves Conservatives when in fact we have Liberals, Moderates, Conservatives and supporters of the U.S. Constitution, however the Liberals and Moderates become Career Politicians from Special Interests and of course Lobbyists. This fact is due to a lack of any real actions taken by most of the GOP LD’s to aid in removing what are obvious to most, one example would be the Votes in the AZ House in 18 on the National Popular Vote as it passed by a Majority of Republicans voting for it and then were either Re Elected or Promoted to Higher Office, and of course…

  • Van's Views

    RINOs Run AZ Politics!

    Clair Van Steenwyk PC, State Committeeman and GOP Constitutional Candidate for Maricopa County Recorder:   I agree with Joe Neglia​ on his comments about Jeff Flake, John Mc Cain, and M. McSally, however he forgot several others, like the 20+ Reps. in  AZ’s Legislature who sponsored the NPV and 18 who voted for the NPV, not to mention the 6 AZ Senators who also supported it and one of them Sen. Yeeis now your Treasurer and waiting to become I believe your next Governor who’s also proud of being on the staff of RINO California Gov. Schwarzenegger, and oh yes let’s not forget the 4 AZ Reps. who voters then promoted to be AZ Senators, Livingston / 22, Gray / 21, Boyer / 20 andMesnard, the real problem is that the Voters are never truly informed about those…

  • Van's Views

    CHINA vs. U.S.A., Who’ll Win WW III?

    China fired the 1st Shot with the China Virus and now America’s Economy is on it’s Knees, and America’s dependent on Prescription Drugs made cheaply in China, so American Drug Companies can continue to Rake in Profits, states like Ca. buying masks from China made by an Auto Maker that Warren Buffet is heavily invested in, and by the way has been paid most of the money but not delivered over 95% of the products. China’s got America where they want us, we mustn’t continue to depend on them for Medical Supplies, and we as Americans must Demand that Our Government put an End to this by setting up Plants within our shores for All Essential Goods to be Made in the USA, we must End the One World Government idea put forth by the Elitists within our own Nation, after all they didn’t and couldn’t Build the USA, We the People did that and we’ll now have to Rebuild our Manufacturing for a Stronger America than Ever,…

  • Van's Views

    China Declared a Bacteria War on the World

    America Stand Up & Fight or Surrender Forever! China has Declared WW III with a Bacterial War and cost American Lives and caused the U.S. Government adding  2.2 Trillion to our National Debt, and when this is all over we’ll have more Deadanother Trillion or more in lost incomes to all of us, so what should we do? I suggest since China holds over 1.1 Trillion of our National Debt the U.S. declare those Bonds paid in full, and let them take the U.S. to court, hopefully then all the Facts will come out and the U.S. will win its’ case, and when the U.S. Congress changes the Laws so we can all sue China. We must also rebuild our Drug Companies by having them either return to the U.S. or set up new ones with the Funding necessary to Build the Industry, we  depend on China for the Medications we all use from time…

  • Van's Views

    Chinese Communists Infect the World!

    This is the Real China, they don’t care about the World’s Health, their People or Evironment, and the Press and others is giving China a Pass on Spreading the China Virus 4 Power, Influence & Profit, if you Agree then let those in Office in DC and your State, County and City know you Demand they Expose this and finally Tell the TRUTH. The China Virus is no Accident as they knew about it in November of 2019 and didn’t say anything until after the Jan 15,2020 Trade Deal was signed. Some say the Chinese were Incompetent, however that’s really hard to swallow when you look at their History of Dominating the Chinese People and region for Decades and using U.S. Companiesgreed to build their Political and Military Influence around the World, while putting us at risk. The Chinese Communists wanted a Trade Deal Deal but thought they could wait our President Trump and when that…

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