• Van's Views

    AZ SOS & Maricopa Co. Recorder Rigging AZ Elections?

    This Cartoon is True Only When We Can Trust the Process Isn’t Rigged! *This Comment came in a Campaign Email from Helen Purcell (Maricopa County Recorder). The following Statement is One of Five Listed under the Heading of ACCOMPLISHED, ( Helping to bring about Early Voting in Arizona which has become the most important tool in winning elections). Paid for by Purcell in 2016 *It’s nice to know that the Early Voting system wasn’t set up for the Voters but for the Parties to have a Tool to Win Elections. We’ve completed the research on the Elections systems and the SOS Manual used by All AZ County Recorders which instructs them…

  • Van's Views

    Sen. Flake Drops Out, Why?

        Is Senator Flakes Retirement GOP Trickery? Van’s Comments on Sen. Flakes Retirement:I do want to thank Sen. Flake for making this decision as one who campaigned against him in the 2012 Primary and found Sen. Flake and his wife to be very courteous and thoughtful, never sinking to the politics of the day like some do by attacking and slandering others with false or misleading statements, we now wish the best for both them and their family. I believe we’re now in for a Battle for the AZ GOP the likes of which we’ve not seen as the Leadership has something in store for all Truly Committed Constitutional…

  • Van's Views

    Republic vs. Socialist Communism!

    USA 2018 General Election is a Choice 4 Freedom or Slavery, What’s Your Choice? I pray our President’s Rallies turn into real support for Freedom as that’s really what this is about, a Republic vs. a Socialist and eventually Communist State if the Democrats have their way. We’ve watched the general progression over the yrs. as they find issues to get voters support and only deliver misery to most, however the lost sheep in the Democrat Socialist Party continue to march the US down that path and now hope all Running for Office will finally declare the Truth of it and Call Allof them out for what they are. I do believe it’s a clear choice between a Socialist State or Freedomand the question to ask all Voters is do…

  • Van's Views

    We’re being Invaded by Illegal Immigrants!

    They Burn Our Flag & say they Demand to Enter the USA! Our Flag was being burned by the Illegal Immigrants on their way into the US, and by the way not being stopped by any of our so called Southern Allies especially Mexico with the New Trade Deal. If Our Government doesn’t Repel this Invasion then we need to form a New Government that will, as the one we have is aiding the Invasion, that’s right Invasion is what President Dwight D. Eisenhowercalled it back in the 50’s, as he stated; When you don’t know who’s in your country it’s called andInvasion, and Deported over 3 Million Illegal Immigrant Invaders. I do believe if we would begin to Deport All Illegal Immigrants within Our Borders no matter whether they overstayed or entered Illegally we’d then be…

  • Van's Views

    Illegals Voting & Costing Americans Our Freedoms / Deport Them Now!

    President Trump, Enforce All Our Laws on Immigration Now! We’ve been lied to for Decades now by the Press & Politicians among others and continue to be lied to even today with the Fake Dreamer Issue, as the issue is much larger than that.  The Dreamer issue is being used to get the sympathy needed to Shove Amnesty or Legal Status Down Our Throats and Call us Bigots if we Oppose It. We must Oppose this Dreamer Deal and Demand that President Trump Keep His Word to End DACA and start Deporting All Illegals, not just the New Definition he now uses to describe just the Gang Members, etc. I hope as all who view…

  • Van's Views

    AZ Propositions Misleading to Say the Least!

    AZ Legislators want to Retire on State Monies & Raise Our Taxes Again! I attended a meeting on 10/02/18 at SC GOP Office to discuss the Propositions at length with John Heep LD 22 PC, Randy Miller LD 21 PC and about 2 dozen Republicans. We Discussed all 5 PROPS and found the Golden Slate being distributed by LDs  21 & 22 not in compliance with the AZ Constitution or in the Best Interests of Voters. We’ve been told the GOP Executive Committee made these recommendations. Here’s the recommendations the majority of us agreed on with our, we don’t Benefit from our Positions, and expect office holders to disagree even though they’re Public Servants, but will Benefit by getting Voters to Believe and Pay the Price for doing so.…

  • Van's Views

    U.S.A. We Won / Thanks Pres. Trump Great Birthday Present 4 Me.

    America 1st Policy Works for the U.S.A.  We’ve been talking about how bad NAFTA was for years now and none of the Federal Reps. in AZwould either listen or try to do anything about this, well we finally managed to Elect an America 1st Patriot to be Our President, now on my Birthday President Trump Delivered by putting a stake inNAFTA and giving all of us the New USMCA Trade deal which will stop the bleeding. I hope the GOP has enough of a spine to pass this Deal after the Nov. Elections and doesn’t allow them to do to the Deal what they’ve been doing to Judge Kavanaugh as certain they’ll find something wrong with it, and will be surprised if that doesn’t start today before President Trump’s message gets out…

  • Van's Views

    Sen. Flake Vote 4 Judge Kavanaugh Now!

    It’s time for all AZ Citizens who believe you’re Innocent until PROVEN GUILTY Time to Stand UP! Judge Kavanaugh Balanced Justice! I watched the Entire U.S. Senate Hearing today and was completely disappointed with the Prosecutor of Maricopa County as she missed at the very least Three Opportunities to explore why Dr. Ford brought this accusation against Judge Kavanaugh.1. She stated even after the so called Sexual Misconduct she’s accused Judge Kavanaugh of committing stated she continued going to parties he attended. This makes no sense as most would never give anyone who attacked a 2nd chance at this. 2. She clearly stated that once she saw Judge Kavanaugh nominated for the US Supreme Court she knew she had to…

  • Van's Views

    AZ’s GOP PURPLE Sen. Flake Betrays US Again!

    AZ’s Own GOP PURPLE U. S. Senator Jeff Flake Sen. Flake tried to get the Judiciary Committee to Force the Senate to Delay the Floor Vote on Judge Kavanaugh for a One Week Investigation by the FBI, which is nothing more than aiding the Socialist Democrats in delaying the Vote to get even more accusations to spring up from nowhere, as well as a signal I believe from Flake he’ll Vote No if they don’t do as he asks. I also Believe this is something Senators Collins,Murkowski, Wicker plus others want, are using the Judiciary Committee to do for them thru Sen. Flake who’s a willing player in this Web of GOP PURPLE SENATORS and REPRESENTATIVES. I don’t believe any of us will ever be totally Free as long as these types of People are in the Leadership of…

  • Van's Views

    U. S. Justice vs. Social Justice

    Accused today by the Social Justice Groupies and Presumed Guilty, if this is Now the New Rule of Law in the U.S. the Fall of the Republic is at Hand. We the People must make Our Voices Heard, most believing in the Rule of Law have sat quietly by and watched the Social Justice Movement continue pushing their Agenda to retake the U.S. Government and continue the March to Socialism that is waiting for all of US. The Social Justice Groupies have no intention of allowing another Constitutional Judge be appointed to the US Supreme Court, they know if Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment is confirmed they’ll be blocked no matter who’s in the White House for at least the next 20 years, and have no intention of allowing this to happen. We must all remember when the Socialist…

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