• Van's Views

    Declared Guilty Before a Trial!

    Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, it’s a method of Tell a Lie enough times and it becomes the Truth! Does anyone ever wonder why in DC they spend so much time trying to find President Trump Guiltyof something?Does anyone ever wonder why just because Dr. Ford accuses Judge Brett Kavanaugh is being found Guilty even before one word of Testimony has been given? Examine very closely just how the Shadow Government in DC works and why they’ve decided to make most Americans Distrust these men, who haven’t been proven Guilty of a crime, except in the Press, TV, Social Media, PACS, Lobbyist, Special Interests, Big Business and Socialist Democratsmixed in plus Purple GOP Elitists, all controlled by the One World Government types and their servants. When we consider all the Crimes that most agree the Clinton’s have…

  • Van's Views

    Is the USA Politically Insane?

    Definition of Political Insanity: Voting for the same Candidates / Career Politicans one election cycle after another and expecting the Career Politicians to give you the Results they Promised. Every Two years the Parties send out their Incumbents telling us how Bad the other Party is, and if we only vote for them they’ll fix our Nation, and all our problems will be solved, for the most part the Voters in both Parties follow their instructions like Sheep. The Democrats attack the GOP saying we hate Blacks, Hispanics, Women, Homosexuals, and will Eliminate your Right to Vote, Abortion, Medical Coverage, Social Security, and so on. The Republicanson the other hand pledge to Secure Our Borders, End Illegal Immigration, Repeal Obamacare, Secure Social Security, End or Limit Abortions, Cut Spending and so on. We need to…

  • Van's Views

    AZ GOP Who’s Left to Vote 4 in Nov. Election?

    Purple GOP says Vote 4 US or the Democrats will Eat You! Clair Van Steenwyk’s Response to Rob Haney’s & Rick Hennessey’s comments on the GOP in GOP Briefs of 9/18/18http://republicanbriefs.org/ and who’s left to Vote 4 in the Nov. General: I agree more with Rob than Rick, as we face this dilemma every 2 yrs. with the Purple Wing of the GOPwinning and then demanding all the GOP Voters settle for them in the General who we didn’t support in the Primary for the Good of the Country or State, when in fact it’s for only the Good of the Purple Wing of the GOP and nothing more. Jean & I have been active in…

  • Van's Views

    Overthrow the U.S. Government

    The Overthrow of the U. S. Republic by the Shadow Government! We must all face facts and they are really simple to see if you’ll just pay attention to what our Federal Government has been doing now for decades. They began undermining our Republic by enlarging the scope of the Federal Government into areas it has No Constitutional Jurisdiction to name a few; Agriculture, Healthcare, Welfare, Education, Commerce, Homeland Security, EPA, and so many other Depts. and Agencies, while the U.S. Constitution authorizes only the Departments of Defense, Treasury, State, and Justice ,all others aren’t allowed in the U.S. Constitution but are left to the Sovereign States to manage, however they’ve all failed in their Legal Responsibilities as well by allowing this intrusion. We must now in 2018 recognize that the dilemma we…

  • Van's Views

    AZ’s 2018 Primary Voter Fraud!

    No Voice, No Vote The 2018 Primary is in question and there are Laws now on the books to protect the Voters, but apparently they will protect the mismanaged system run by so-called elected officials, if not enforced to the letter as there are remedies in the State Statutes covering Elections, and any elector must file this complaint in the U. S. Supreme Court: 16-661.A.2, applies to the question of auto recount for the statewide office of SPI. It is the 200 vote threshold, not the 1/10 of one percent. . . . So, unless it narrows to less than or equal to 200 votes, it’s over. . . . Unless Dr. Branch, or…

  • Van's Views

    Is Trump Losing Base Support?

    The question as to President Trumps losing his base due to his lack of following thru on his Campaign Promises. President Trump promised his supporters he’d End DACA upon taking office and begin Deporting AllIllegals not just those his  Liberal Staff considers to be Criminals, and now 6 months later kicking the Political Can down the Road with no End is Sight as Congress is being asked to Act with the 2018 Election Cycle coming up, what will his Base Do?  His base believed President Trump said and meant shortly after taking the Oath of Office, and not 6 months later kicking the Political Can Down the Road to the GOP RINOs who run Congress and…

  • Van's Views


    AZ Primary Results Prove It’s PURPLE! For me the most disappointing thing so far in AZ’s Primary is that those who voted 4 the NPV have either been re-elected or promoted to higher positions in AZ Gov., so now I do believe the GOP is more Purple than Red and the PAC Monies that flowed I know for certain into LD 22 is overwhelming. Some I know are pleased with this but we’ll now continue with the AZ Government the$$$$$$$$’s from the PACs spent on Livingston and the slate in LD 22, and they’ll be more emboldened than ever so when will the NPV be revisited as the Dems know 2020 is coming and certain they’ll push it again and of course that will include the Lobbyists who…

  • Van's Views

    Purple Senate Candidate Rep. Livingston in LD 22 Violated Protocol!

    AZ Legislators Seem to Believe Rules Don’t Apply to Them LD 22 has been using a Golden Slate to promote GOP Candidates to the Voters in LD 22 Precincts and has been successful in this endeavor in past elections. However in the 2018 August Primary it was decided not to use the Golden Ticket for the Primary so as not to confuse the Voters in the General and this was announced at the LD 22 meetings. Each Precinct choose its’ own Candidates and got the layouts from the LD Board, they then had them printed and delivered them door to door to the Voters in their Precincts to inform the…

  • Van's Views

    Who Are Citizens?

    Illegals Aren’t Citizens! Let’s clarify the term “Natural Born Citizen!” Framers of the U.S. Constitution knew what they intended when restricting the Office of the Presidency to “Natural Born Citizens,” and why they imposed it. Pretending not to understand the term in order to elect an individual who doesn’t qualify doesn’t change the unconstitutionality of the act. Link:https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/natural_born_citizen Let’s expose the unconstitutional and unlawful application of the term, “Birthright Citizen” to children born on U.S. soil who are NOT Citizens of the U.S. by birth; AKA: “Anchor Baby.” The terms are erroneously applied in the U.S. to a federal statute derived directly from the 14th Amendment: Immigration and Nationality Act. Chapter 1.…

  • Van's Views

    AZ US Senate Candidate Ward Joins No on NPV

    NPV Vilolates ULD 22 Senate Candidate Clair Van Steenwyk comments on AZ Candidates Opposed to the National Popular Vote: I’ve spoken to and contacted many AZ Candidates about on the issue of the NPV to ask if they Support it or Not, and here’s the latest to respond to our question. We sent this question; The NPV has become quite a hot subject in the last few weeks, and almost daily is being talked about in the Briefs, and so far no one is in favor or supporting or voting for anyone running who voted 4 it, and here’s the response from:( U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Kelli Ward: I do…

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