• Van's Views

    AZ 2016 Elections Rigged to Remove Sheriff Joe!

    Lets examine the General Election Results of 2016 and try to understand just what happened in Maricopa County to Sheriff Joe, as we know Numbers Don’t Lie, even though sometimes they Make NO Sense. Voting Numbers from Maricopa County Recorders Office: Trump 747,361 vs. Clinton’s 702,901 = + for Trump of 44,460. Joe 665,581 vs. Penzone’s 861,757 = + for Penzone of 196,176. Trump 747,361 vs. Joe 665,581 = + for Trump of 81,780 Clinton’s 702,901  Penzone’s 861,757 = +  for Penzone 158,856 Trump  received more Votes than Sheriff Joe , and Penzone vs. Clinton, Penzone received significantly more votes than Clinton, especially considering this was a Hotly ContestedPresidential race , we believe many of the 81,780 who voted for Trump then voted for Penzone not 4 Joe .  The numbers warrant an even larger question, President Trump’s and Sheriff…

  • Van's Views

    Socialist Democrats Rewriting History!

    America get the FACTS of History before the Socialist Democrats destroy their true history of Bigotry and Hate.AZ don’t forget the President is coming to Phoenix on 8/22/17, doors open at 4 pm.God Bless You All;Clair VAN Steenwyk Watch the Short Video: https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos/1419048691471316/?fref=mentions

  • Van's Views

    Trump Reluctantly Supports Afghan Expansion!

    The struggle between White House advisers calling for Trump to take the lead in a more traditional presidential manner, and pushed for him to force out Bannon -- who lead the National Popular movement in the Economy, Border Security, Immigration Policy, a Non Global Plan, and was forced out by Chief of Staff John Kelly and I'm certain President Trump's daughter Ivanka put in her displeasure with Bannon along with McMaster who has his own plan for American Globalism. Officials pushed Trump into a more moderate direction, those who pushed President Trump in this direction include National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin both Liberal Democrats, who remain in the Cabinet pushing for…

  • Van's Views

    Political Knives Out 4 Trump!

    President Trumps’ Political Enemies are out in Full Force on both sides of the Aisle,Press, Bureaucrats, Lobbyist and GOP Elites as they raise questions about his comments on the Murder in Charlottesville, Va. taken out of context, and realize that it’s more than Charlottesville, Va., that’s simply the vehicle they’re using to push President Trump into making concessions on many issues. President Trump is being attacked from in and outside the White House by so called Allies and Enemies within the GOP, we expect and even depend on the Socialist Democrats to attack the President, however most are surprised when so called Republicans join in the mix. The attacks by Trump’s GOP opponents such as Graham, McCain , Rubio, Flake all Gang of Eight Pro Amnesty / Dreamers is to be expected as they do represent the…

  • Van's Views

    Call President Trump Now!

    I hope you’ll pass this on and call the White House as well: ( 202-456-1111 Comments • 202-456-1414 Switchboard )asking President Trump to Pardon our long time Sheriff for Enforcing Our Laws not Political Policies as we’re observing taking place across the country the last few weeks with the tearing down of monuments to History, this behavior and Police allowing it is what We all need to Fear, if Police will quietly stand down while laws are being broken then we’re on our way to a True Rebellion and looks like the Anarchists / Socialists are winning and yes this includes those in the GOP who take the sides of…

  • Van's Views

    Should Sen. McCain Pick his Replacement? NO!

     Some of my thoughts & a remedy on Sen. McCain naming his own replacement:  It’s  just like Sen. McCain to continue control of AZ Politics for the next few decades, this Old Bait & Switch with Grant Woods is Classic McCain, this can’t and shouldn’t be allowed by AZ Citizens. . Choosing your successor and then at election time putting your money & GOP Machine behind the person you really want to have your large Black Book on all the Politicians — for continued control of them, for as we all know it’s not his pleasing personality that they line up in lock step behind. AZ Vacancies Filled by Gubernatorial Appointment Presently, 36 States including AZ — fill a US Senate Vacancy at their next regularly-scheduled general election, AZ’s…

  • Van's Views

    President Trump / Deport Criminal Illegals by Definition

    President Elect Trump; You stated that you’d Deport All Criminal Aliens, please take a look at the Definition of Criminal and the apply it to those in the US Illegally, as the definition of the word Criminal applies to them.Criminal: A Person who’s Committed a Crime. Symonyms: Lawbreaker, Offender, Delinquent, Malefactor, Wrongdoer, Burglar.lleɡal: Contrary to or Forbidden by Law. Synonyms: Unlawful, Illicit, (Illegitimate, Unlicensed, Unauthorized), Unsanctioned, Forbidden, Prohibited. To President Elect Trump and Staff plus all the GOP Elite Swamp Managers please note the above definitions before you make an inside deal with each other once again Violating Our Laws and Trust. President Elect Trump don’t make a Political Deal to…

  • Van's Views

    GOP Replaces Repeal & Replace with Repair & Repackage Obamacare!

    I’m hoping by now many have come to see that the GOP really doesn’t want to End the Socialist Healthcare programs set in place by our Socialist Elected Senators & Representatives which gives all of them and their Money Supporters control over All Americans. The real problem is that the Federal Government only does the Bidding of the FAT CATS and not for the American Citizen and for the 1st time this is truly being exposed by the Lack Luster attempt to Repeal Obamacare by the GOP who has Sold its’ Soul to the Highest Bidders not unlike theDemocrats, they’re actually one in the same Party, and remember you didn’t see any National Ads to Repeal Obamacare by Big GOP PACS. Healthcare Reform failed and now the GOP will start working with Socialist Democrats & Republicans to fix the system making what they call Compromises to…

  • Van's Views

    GOP Tax Reform 4 Big Business Not US!

    Tax Reform will succeed where Repeal Obamacare Failed because Big Business wants it and will get what they want as they always do from the politicians who Serve Them.  The tax reform will be good for business, and along with it you can expect some immigration reform as well that will enable the Big Businesses to continue to import Cheap Labor rather than Hire Americans, and oh yes by the way Pres. Trump won’t be fulfilling his Campaign Promise to Deport Illegals as he now restated his position as to only Deporting Criminal Illegals, and all along I’ve believed it was a Crime to Enter America Illegally just as it’s a Crime to Overstay any type of Visa but then even Pres. Trump wants to be re elected. Deporting All Illegals would be the best TAX REFORM we could…

  • Van's Views

    Why Did Skinny Healthcare Repeal Really Fail?

    There are several reasons repealing Obama Care failed and none of them will inspire most Americans to have any Respect for those in Office, Big Business, Lobbyists, and in General Groups who generally support so called Conservative Issues. I’ve known over the years and am certain most Voters will come to realize that most times there are reasons for all the Ads in favor or opposed to certain issues spending Millions on trying to influence the Public to contact their Representatives in DC to Vote for or against Legislation from 2nd Amendment to Solar etc., however on this Skinny Repeal Bill, I didn’t see any so called Conservative Groups running a National Ad Campaign to Repeal Obamacare but did see some local Ads asking us to contact McCain or McFlake to Vote Against Repeal of the Bill. I believe the reasons Big…

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